Angular Conference Jan 25, 2022 (Warsaw & Online)
Learn from the Best
Manfred Steyer

Manfred Steyer

Micro-Frontends with Module Federation: beyond the basics

Being the missing link for Micro-Frontends, the brand-new Module Federation has been greatly discussed in recent months. However, once the basics have been mastered, the truly interesting questions arise: How to deal with version mismatches? How to load remotes dynamically when you do not know them or even their number upfront? How to use Module Federation in a monorepo? How to use Module Federation together with Web Components for multi-version and/or multi-framework scenarios? This session answers all these questions with a case study and explores the trade-offs. By the end, you will know how to apply this to your projects., Google Developer Expert and Microsoft MVP | Austria

Trainer and Consultant with focus on Angular. Google Developer Expert (GDE) who writes for O'Reilly and the German Java Magazine. Regularly speaks at conferences.

Check out Manfred Steyer's latest online video course

Check out Manfred Steyer's latest online video course

Angular Master is a online course with live Q&A calls and a community of experienced Angular developers. In this interactive course, you will learn from Manfred Steyer - Angular GDE and Trusted Collaborator in the Angular team - how large enterprise-scale Angular applications can be planned and developed. For this, we learn how Domain Driven Design (DDD) can help with planning a huge solution and how Nx Monorepos can be used for implementing our Strategic Domain Design.

Become a Master of Angular Architecture


Using the monorepo, we subdivide our solution into several libraries and define access restrictions for enforcing our architecture. Also, we use Nx to speed up our CI tasks with incremental builds and the build cache.
These ideas are gradually being expanded and result in the implementation of micro frontends with the brand new Webpack Module Federation and Web Components based on Angular Elements. We talk about sharing libraries and also about advanced concepts like dealing with version mismatches, dynamic Module Federation and the integration into Nx.
After the individual exercises, you will have a case study you can use as a template for your own projects. Also, this course enables you to evaluate the individual options for your very projects.

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